Why am I not receiving messages on my WhatsApp shared sender?

The Case

If you are assigned to a shared sender resource called a Sticky Sender, this means your end user needs to start the conversation with a known keyword so you can start getting their messages.

Steps To Take

Step 1: Make sure that you have a proper keyword set and shared with your customer

To connect to your shared sender, the end user must send an initial message with a dedicated keyword that is set on the Mobile Originated resource, in order to properly connect their mobile number with your account.

Screenshot of a message exchange showcasing keyword Infobip Hi

Step 2: Receive messages without the keyword

Once the keyword is recognized which means the mapping procedure is done, all the following messages will be received by the registered account. The end user will not have to repeat the keyword again.


The customer can disconnect from the sticky sender by sending the STOP keyword.

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Mar 14th, 2024
1 min read

Ivan Soldo